I’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t like it, it’s fancy enough for a proper dinner dessert, yet easy enough to whip up for an ordinary afternoon tea or post snow play snack too, if you can make pancakes, you can make this
Although it’s certainly not health food, it is cake, it has far less sugar than most bran muffins, granola bars, or yogurts out there - which perhaps says more about commercial food, particularly food marketed towards children and what we consider a snack. By default it’s gluten free, if you wanted it to be dairy free, simply substitute making coconut whipped cream for the filling.
For this you just need:
6 eggs separated 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa Dash of salt 5 oz dark chocolate 1 tsp vanilla
Preheat your oven to 325, line a baking tray with parchment and coat liberally with a cooking spray
In a stand up mixer whip your egg whites until stiff peaks, yet make sure they’re still glossy looking, the trickiest part of a cake like this is over whipping the egg whites until they are dry, once whipped scrape out and set in a bowl aside
Gently melt your chocolate, set aside off the stove to cool for a moment.
In the same stand up mixer, whip the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until the yolks are thick ribbons of light pale yellow, almost the color of butter. Sift in the cocoa powder, I just grate a sprinkle of salt here too, gently fold in the melted chocolate here with the cocoa.
Once combined, fold in the egg whites. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake at 325 for 15-18 min. Here at 8,000ft 15 min is great, yet at sea level it may take a moment longer, until 17/18 min.
Once out, invert onto a large dishcloth that has been dusted with cocoa powder to cool, carefully remove the parchment paper.

For the filling Whip 1-2 cups heavy cream with 2-3 tbs powdered sugar and a cap full of vanilla (about a scant tsp).
Fill the cooled cake and roll it, if it cracks while rolling, just continue on, really, it’ll be ok and taste wonderful regardless.
If you have spare cream you can spread it ontop, or even pipe it, you can dust with powdered sugar, or even coat in a thin layer of ganache ...
We serve ours with a simple raspberry sauce, just a bag of frozen raspberries that’s defrosted, whizzed in a food processor until puréed, with 2-3 tbs of sugar or honey for sweetness if needed, really, taste as you go.
